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To join LonSSMA you need to fulfil these three criteria:


You are over 18


You work in a senior role within Student Services (in whatever form that takes in your organisation)


You are working for a British Council accredited ELT school in London.

However, if think you should be allowed to join and do not exactly meet these criteria, you may make a request for special consideration to the Committee, by sending us a brief message through the Contact Us page.

Membership of LonSSMA costs £60 a year, payable in January for the year ahead.


Just £60 



Membership entitles you to attend LonSSMA meetings. There are 10 a year (we don’t meet in July and August, obviously!). Our meetings consist of best practice and support meetings (4 a year), professional training and development sessions (4 a year) and social/networking events (2 a year). You will also have access to any reports we produce, as well as group emails/forums/chat groups with like-minded people, who all know what you’re talking about when you need some advice.

There are two types of membership:


Paid for by you, the membership belongs to you and you continue to be a member even if you leave your school.


Paid for by your school, the membership belongs to the school, and if you leave the school your membership is passed on to your successor.

If you first join LonSSMA between January and June, you pay 100% of the fees. If you join July to December, then you pay 50% for the first year, and renew your membership in January.

Please see our Constitution for more details of the terms and conditions of membership and fees.

How to join

Download and complete our interactive membership form, and then send it to

Download the form

Once your membership is approved, you will be sent details for how to pay the membership fees

We can take payment by bank transfer, credit/debit card, Paypal, cheque or in cash.

Please indicate on your membership form how you want to pay.

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